Nicolas Keriven

I am a CNRS researcher with the SIROCCO team at IRISA (Rennes, France).

Research Interest

  • Signal processing on graphs, graph neural nets
  • Random graphs
  • Dimensionality reduction and Sparsity
  • Optimal Transport


I have been awarded an ANR JCJC grant for my project GRandMa (Random Graphs in Machine learning). See here for job openings.

See Events for more.

Short Bio

I graduated from Ecole polytechnique (Palaiseau, France), and obtained the « Mathématiques, Vision, Apprentissage » (MVA) Master’s degree from Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan in 2014. I prepared my PhD thesis at IRISA, Rennes, France, under the supervision of Rémi Gribonval, and defended it in October, 2017. From 2017 to 2019 I was a postdoctoral researcher at Ecole Normale Supérieure with Gabriel Peyré, on the CFM-ENS “Laplace” chair in data science, before joining CNRS in 2019 as a full-time researcher. I received the Best Student Paper Award at SPARS 2017 and the Early Career Prize of the SIAM Activity Group on Imaging Science in 2022. I am the PI of ANR JCJC GRandMa, starting in 2022.

I play the piano with people or alone.



  • Antonin Joly, with Aline Roumy (2024-)
  • Martin Gjorgjevski, with Simon Barthelmé and Yohann de Castro (2022-)
  • Matthieu Cordonnier, with Nicolas Tremblay and Samuel Vaiter (2021-)
  • Hashem Ghanem, with Samuel Vaiter and Joseph Salmon (2020-2023)

Master Interns

  • Raphaël Léger (2024)
  • Antonin Joly (2023)
  • Marc Theveneau (2022)
  • Martin Gjorgjevski (2022)
  • Yannick Malot (2021)
  • Hashem Ghanem (2020)